
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d020 - discipline

★ discipline [(n) 訓練,鍛錬;訓練法,修業法;教練;しつけ;規律,統制;懲戒;学問(の分野),(大学の)専門分野,学科 || (v) 訓練する;懲戒する]

* disciple (n): 弟子
* disciplinary (adj.):訓練上の;規律上の
* indiscipline (n) : 規律のないこと,不規律


Conrad's point of view was far from modern. In the modern world there are two philosophies: the one which stems from Rousseau, and sweeps aside discipline as unnecessary, the other, which finds its fullest expression in totalitarianism, which thinks of discipline as essentially imposed from without. Conrad adhered to the older tradition, that discipline should come from within. He despised indiscipline and hated discipline that was merely external.

The fundamental idea is simple: that the right discipline consists, not in external compulsion, but in habits of mind which lead spontaneously to desirable rather than undesirable activities. What is astonishing is the great success in finding technical methods of embodying this idea in education. For this, Madame Montessori deserves the highest praise.


The teacher can't keep discipline in her classroom. || Learning poetry is a good discipline for the memory.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline. / Yoga is a good discipline for learning to relax.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]