
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d017 - distract

★ distract (v) [(注意を)そらす;気晴らしをする;混乱させる(通例過去分詞で形容詞的に用いる]

* distracted (adj.) :注意をそらされた;気の散った;取り乱した
* distraction (n): 気の散ること,注意散漫;気晴らし,娯楽;動揺


At fifteen, I began to have sexual passions, of almost intolerable intensity. While I was sitting at work, endeavouring to concentrate, I would be continually distracted by erections, and I fell into the practice of masturbating, in which, however, I always remained moderate. I was much ashamed of this practice, and endeavoured to discontinue it. I persisted in it, nevertheless, until the age of twenty, when I dropped it suddenly because I was in love.

The man divided against himself looks for excitement and distraction; he loves strong passions, not for sound reasons, but because for the moment they take him outside himself and prevent the painful necessity of thought.


The celebrations distracted public attention from the government's problems.
[ (出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]