
バートランド・ラッセル英単語・熟語 d016

★ disgrace [(n) 不名誉,不面目,恥辱  || (v) 恥になる;(名を)汚す;恥をかく;免職する]

* dishonour, shame, disgrace の違い: "disgrace" は他人の尊敬・好意を失うこと; "dishonour" は自分の行為によって名誉・自尊心を失うこと; "shame" は他人に見下されて感じる恥


Once when I was staying in Dover Street I went skating in St James's Park and fell in. I had a feeling of disgrace in having to run through the streets dripping wet, but I nevertheless persisted in the practice of skating on thin ice.
* drip (v):(液が・・・から)したたる;(人やものが)しずくとたらす;ずぶぬれである(drip with)。

Politics and patriotism afforded practical outlets for Greek energy: when a politician was ousted, he led a band of exiles to attack his native city. When a Chinese official was disgraced, he retired to the hills and wrote poems on the pleasures of country life. Accordingly, the Greek civilisation destroyed itself, but the Chinese civilisation could only be destroyed from without.
* outlet (n):(液体・気体などの)出口;(感情などの)はけ口
* oust (v):(人などを・・・から)追い出す
* exile (n):国外追放;亡命;流浪者;追放された人


2.参考例 > His actions brought disgrace on the whole family / Doctors like that are a disgrace to their profession.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]