
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d001 - detect

★ detect [・・・があることを認める,に気付く;(犯人を)見つける;の正体を見抜く]

* detection (n):探知;(化)検出


My purpose in this chapter is to suggest some general reflections by means of which each individual can detect in himself the elements of persecution mania (from which almost everybody suffers in a greater or less degree), and, having detected them, can eliminate them.

Such men can forget their crime when there seems little chance of detection, but when they are found out, or in grave danger of being so, they wish they had been more virtuous, and this wish may give them a lively sense of the enormity of their sin.
* enormity (n):極悪さ;(通例複数形で)非道な行為、大罪


Many readers have detected in Gulliver's Travels an increasingly dark and misanthropic mood as the work progress.
* misanthropic (adj.):人間嫌いの,厭世的な

Small quantities of poison were detected in the dead man's stomach.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]