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バートランド・ラッセル 権力 第17章 (松下彰良 訳)- Power, 1938, by Bertrand Russell

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第17章 権力の倫理学, n.8 - 冨の減少と犯罪の増加


Chapter 17: The Ethics of Power, n.8

The question of opportunity has both a positive and a negative aspect: it is important that there shall not be opportunity for the career of a pirate, or a brigand, or a dictator, as well as that there should be opportunity for a less destructive profession. There must be a strong government, to prevent crime, and a wise economic system, both to prevent the possibility of legal forms of brigandage, and to offer attractive careers to as many young people as possible. This is much easier in a community which is growing richer than in one which is growing poorer. Nothing improves the moral level of a community as much as an increase of wealth, and nothing lowers it so much as a diminution of wealth. The harshness of the general outlook from the Rhine to the Pacific at the present day is very largely due to the fact that so many people are poorer than their parents were.
(掲載日:2018.04.19 /更新日: )