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バートランド・ラッセル 権力 第7章 - Power, 1938, by Bertrand Russell

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第7章 革命的な権力 n.7 - 定期的に賛美歌を合唱する制度

 翌年(紀元386年),皇后は再度アンブロジウスを打ち負かそうとした。(即ち)アンブロジウスに対して追放の勅令が発せられた。しかし,アンブロジウスは大聖堂に避難し,そこで彼は,日夜,忠実な信者や教会の恵みを受けている人々に支援を受けた。彼は,こうした人々を覚醒したままにするために,「ミラノの教会に,大声で,定期的に,賛美歌を合唱するという有益な制度を導入した。」 彼の信奉者たちの熱意は(いろいろな)奇跡によって強化され,ついには,「弱きイタリアの皇帝は天の寵愛を受けた人間(アンブロジウス)と争うことは出来ないと気づいた」(のである)。

Chapter VII: Revolutionary Power, n.7

It soon appeared, however, that he had no need to fear martyrdom. When he was summoned before the Council, he was followed by a vast and angry mob of supporters, who threatened to invade the palace and perhaps kill the Empress and her son. The Gothic mercenaries, though Arian, hesitated to act against so holy a man, and to avoid revolution the Empress was obliged to give way. "The mother of Valentinian could never forgive the triumph of Ambrose; and the royal youth uttered a passionate exclamation, that his own servants were ready to betray him into the hands of an insolent priest" (ibid.).

In the following year (386) the Empress again attempted to overcome the Saint. An edict of banishment was pronounced against him. But he took refuge in the cathedral, where he was supported, day and night, by the faithful and the recipients of ecclesiastical charity. To keep them awake, he "introduced into the church of Milan the useful institution of a loud and regular psalmody." The zeal of his followers was further reinforced by miracles, and in the end "the feeble sovereign of Italy found himself unable to contend with the favourite of heaven."
(掲載日:2017.08.12 /更新日: )