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バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第16章 (松下彰良 訳)- Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

Back(前ページ)  Forward (次ページ) 第十六章 イントロ累積索引 Contents(総目次)

第十六章 離婚 n.12 - 夫婦合意による離婚

 離婚に関する法律の立案には,きわめて大きな困難が存在している。なぜなら,法律がどうであろうと,裁判官や陪審(員団)は,自分たちの感情に左右されるだろうし,他方,夫と妻は,立法者の意図の裏をかくために必要なことは何でもするからである。英国法では,夫と妻の間になんらかの取り決めがある場合は離婿は認められないけれども,実際にはそういう取り決めがあることは,誰でもが知っている。ニューヨーク州では,もう一歩進んで,制定法上の姦通(注:姦通罪として法律に規定されているもの)を立証するために偽証を金で買うこと(注:hire perjured testimony 偽証する人を雇うこと)も珍しくない。
 虐待(cruelty 残酷な行為)は,理論上,離婚の完璧に十分な根拠であるが,虐待は馬鹿げたものになるように解釈されるかも知れない(解釈される可能性がある。(例えば)映画スターの中でも最も有名な人物が虐待のかどで妻に離婚されたとき,虐待の証拠に挙げられたものの一つは,彼がカントの話をする友人をよく(頻繁に)家に連れてきたというものであった。夫が妻の前で知的な会話をすることで罪になることが時にはあるという根拠で妻が夫を離婚できるようにすることが,カリフォルニア州の立法者の意図であったとは,到底考えられない。

Chapter XVI: Divorce, n.11

There is very great difficulty in framing laws as regards divorce, because Whatever the laws may be, judges and juries will be governed by their passions, while husbands and wives will do whatever may be necessary to circumvent the intentions of the legislators. Although in English law a divorce cannot be obtained where there is any agreement between husband and wife, yet everybody knows that in practice there often is such an agreement. In New York State it is not uncommon to go farther and hire perjured testimony to prove the statutory adultery. Cruelty is in theory a perfectly adequate ground for divorce, but it may be interpreted so as to become absurd. When the most eminent of all film-stars was divorced by his wife for cruelty, one of the counts in the proof of cruelty was that he used to bring home friends who talked about Kant. I can hardly suppose that it was the intention of the California legislators to enable any woman to divorce her husband on the ground that he was sometimes guilty of intelligent conversation in her presence. The only way out of these confusions, subterfuges, and absurdities is to have divorce by mutual consent in all cases where there is not some very definite and demonstrable reason, such as insanity, to justify a one-sided desire for divorce. The parties would then have to settle all monetary adjustments out of court, and it would not be necessary for either party to hire clever men to prove the other a monster of iniquity. I should add that nullity, which is now decreed where sexual intercourse is impossible, should instead be granted on application whenever the marriage is childless. That is to say, if a husband and wife who have no children wish to part, they should be able to do so on production of a medical certificate to the effect that the wife is not pregnant. Children are the purpose of marriage, and to hold people to a childless marriage is a cruel cheat.
(掲載日:2016.12.07/更新日: )