Bertrand Russell : Portal Site for Russellian in Japan

ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル(Bertrand Russell)の著作からの抜粋

Has Man a Future? , 1961 (『人類に未来はあるか?』)から<

* この抜粋は、別宮貞則(著)『達人に挑戦-実況翻訳教室』(ちくま学芸文庫,2007年)のpp.44-54 に収録されたものです。著作権の関係がありますので、別宮氏の訳は松下訳に変更してあります。別宮氏の訳を見たい場合は、同書をご覧ください。
Has Man a Future?, 1961

The most disquieting psychological feature of our time, and the one which affords the best argument for the necessity of some creed, however irrational, is the death wish. Everyone knows some primitive communities, brought suddenly into contact with white men, become listless, and finally die from mere absence of the will to live. In Western Europe, the new conditions of danger which exist are having something of the same effect. Facing facts is painful, and the way out is not clear. Nostalgia takes the place of energy directed towards the future. There is a tendency to shrug the shoulders and say, 'Oh well, if we are exterminated by hydrogen bombs, it will save a lot of trouble.' This is a tired and feeble reaction, like that of the late Rormans to the barbarians. It can only be met by courage, hope, and a reasoned optimism.
