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ラッセル「我々の時代のための哲学」n.6 (松下彰良・訳)

Bertrand Russell : Philosophy for Our Time (1953)

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Roots of Social Progress

World-wide co-operation with our present technique could abolish poverty and war, and could bring to all mankind a level of happiness and well-being such as has never hitherto existed. But although this is obvious men still prefer to confine co-operation to their own groups and to indulge toward other groups a fierce hostility which fills daily life with terrifying visions of disaster. The reasons for this absurd and tragic inability to behave as everybody's interests would dictate lie not in anything external but in our own emotional nature. If we could feel in our moments of vision as impersonally as a man of science can think, we should see the folly of our divisions and contests, and we should soon perceive that our own interests are compatible with those of others but are not compatible with the desire to bring others to ruin. Fanatical dogmatism, which is one of the great evils of our time, is primarily an intellectual defect and, as I suggested before, it is one to which philosophy supplies an intellectual antidote. But a great deal of dogmatism has also an emotional source: namely, fear. It is felt that only the closest social unity is adequate to meet the enemy and that the slightest deviation from orthodoxy will have a weakening effect in war. Frightened populations are intolerant populations. I do not think they are wise in this. Fear seldom inspires rational action and very often inspires action which increases the very danger that is feared.