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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル「歴史が与える慰め」(1933.02.22)(松下彰良 訳)

* 原著:The consolations of history, by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.


 * 改訳しました。(2011.2.11)

 長生きする人が増えてきたとはいえ,平均寿命は2倍,3倍というようには延びません。臓器をいれかえたり,冷凍して仮死(冬眠)状態にして100年後に蘇生させることができたとしても200年生きたことにはなりません。従って,人は,どうしても自分が生きている時代を,他の時代とは違った「特別な時代」だと考えたくなり,そのようにとらえがちです。「行動する知識人」であったサルトルは,我々が生きている時代はどのような時代であれ,"我々の時代" であるから,真摯にたち向かうべきであるとアピールしましたが,そうあるべきであるとともに,過去の歴史(の教訓)についていろいろ学び,できるだけ自分の時代を客観的(これは哲学的な意味ではありません。)にとらえることも,同様に重要なことだと思われます。

 六世紀に生きたボエティウス(Boethius, 480-524?: イタリアの哲学者,政治家)以来,哲学が与える慰めについて語るのが通例であったが,私自身は,哲学よりももっと多くの慰めを歴史研究から得ている。子供は自分が不幸な間は,彼の視界全体が現在の悲惨事で一杯になり,自分の過去と未来の人生は霧にかすんでしまう。(しかし)我々は,成人するにつれて,(たとえば)歯が痛くなってもそれは永久に続かないという経験を思い出すことができるようになる。我々は,自分の過去の経験から引き出すこの種の慰めと同種のものを,もっと大規模に人類の過去の歴史から引き出すことができる。今日の世界の状態はかなり悪いため,歴史の知識のない人間は,過去にこれほど酷い状態にあった時代はなかっただろう思いがちである。このような見方は,容易に,我々を絶望と無感動に導く。




Ever since the time of Boethius in the 6th century it has been customary to speak of the consolations of philosophy, but for my part I find more consolation to be derived from the study of history. When a child is unhappy, his whole horison is bounded by his misery, and the earlier and later times of his own life become dim. As we grow older we become able to remember when we have the toothache that it will not last for ever. The same kind of comfort which we thus derive from our own past experience can be derived in even greater measure from the past history of mankind. The world is in a bad way at present, and those who know no history are inclined to suppose that it has never been in such a state before. This point of view leads to despair and apathy.

In actual fact, however, the world has often been in a worse state than it is now. The average European, say in the year 1819, was pretty certainly more unhappy than he is now. There was more actual hunger, there was more wickedness in high places, there was more fear of oppression on the one hand and of revolution on the other; young children worked for fifteen hours a day in factories, and the wages of agricultural labourer were about two dollars a week. Shelley describes the politicians of his time as

... Rulers who neither see, nor feel, nor know,
But leech-like to the their fainting country cling,
Till they drop, blind in blood, without a blow ...

We may not have any very high opinion of our present politicians, but most of us would hardly describe them quite so savagely as this. In the same poem he describes George III as 'an old, mad, blind, despised, and dying king'. Shelley's despair was that of all generous minds. The hopes aroused by the French Revolution were dead, and in a dull peace of exhaustion the reactionary Eastern Powers repressed all attempts at improvement. Nevertheless within thirty years the world had entered upon a period of buoyant optimism and unexampled prosperity.
The chief difficulty for men, as for other animals, is adaptation to new circumstances. The great reptiles of the days before men, who might have seemed invincible, perished from a change of climate. Innumerable kinds of animals have become extinct through specialising on weapons of offence, such as too many horns, which left them inadequate energy for ordinary living. Man, however, has survived the Ice Age, wars, pestilences, and all the other dangers which have threatened his existence. Each change has been met by an adaptation much slower than it need have been, since it was always opposed by what we call practical men, i.e., those who blindly followed the revered wisdom of their ancestors. Such men still control our politics and make our adaptation to the altered circumstances of industrialism much slower than it need be. But in the long run everybody will see that in a rapidly changing world wisdom cannot consist in mere adherence to tradition. As soon as we allow intelligence instead of passion to guide our economic life, we shall all grow rich. Most people find it pleasanter to follow their passions rather than their intelligence, but when the penalty is starvation, they will, in the long run, submit to being reasonable. The conditions of universal prosperity are quite simple and well known, but they involve changes in our habits of feeling, and will, therefore, only be adopted when the lessons of the Depression have sunk deep into men's minds.